Visualforce Controllers

Visualforce Controllers 

Visualforce have 3 types of controllers:

  1. Standard Controller,
  2. Custom Controller,
  3. Extension Controller.

Standard Controller: Use to take the standard functionalities for standard or custom object that is available. We can't create more than one standard controller at a visualforce page.


<Apex:page StandardController = "Account">

<!-- Your  Code -->

</Apex: Page>

Custom Controller: use to build custom functionalities using visualforce page. We can't create more than one custom controller at a visualforce page.


<Apex:page Controller = "AccountButton">

<!-- Your  Code -->

</Apex: Page>

Extension Controller: use to build custom functionalities that are not available at Standard controller. We can create more than one extension controller at a visualforce page.


<Apex:page StandardController  = "Account" Extension = "ButtonAcc">

<!-- Your  Code -->

</Apex: Page>

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