Visualforce Most Common Interview Questions and Answers for MNCs and Small-Mid Companies

*** Visualforce Most Common Interview Questions and Answers for MNCs and Small-Mid Companies ***

Salesforce Visualforce

What is Standard List Controller?
Ans:-  Standard List Controllers allows displaying a list of records in visualvalfoce page. We can also create pagination actions (First, Lat, Next & Previous) using a Standard List Controller.

<apex:page standardController = "Account" recordSetVar =  "accounts" >

Give some examples of Visualforce Tags?
Ans: - 

What is a Custom Controller?

Can we use standard controller & controller attributes at a time?

Ans: -  No.

What are the tasks of a standard controller?

How can you create visualforce page in Salesforce?

Ans: -  From the setup, the menu goes to Setup ⇛ develop ⇛  Build   Pages   click on the new button to create a page & enter name & code for visualforce page.

What is <apex:page> tag in visualforce markup?

Ans: - This tag represents a single visualforce page. Every single visualforce page must start & end with this tag.

How can we enable visualforce editor?
Ans: -  We need to check the “development mode” checkbox at the user level from the current user.

Display your account name using a custom controller and input filed at visaulforce page?

What are expressions used in pages to bind in controllers?

Ans: -  3 types of expressions are using at Visualforce page:
Getter: Will return value from controller to visualforce  page
Setter: Will pass value from visualforce page to controller
Action: Will redirect to another page.

What is the purpose of the controllers?

What is Visualforce?

What is visualforce controller in salesforce? What are they?

What is Standard Controller?

Create a Visualforce page that shows Account details using a standard controller?

What is a Custom Controller?

What is Extension Controller?

Create a Visualforce page that shows Contact details using an Extension controller?

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